Windows 下为各类 CLI 设置代理 发表于 2020-09-26 分类于 Mist , proxy 本文字数: 167 阅读时长 ≈ 1 分钟 该解决方案是 GitHub CLI 的 TLS handshake timeout issue 下,一位中国老哥给的。 根据这位老哥给的solution,只需在终端的配置里写上如下函数: 123456789101112131415proxy (){ export http_proxy=""; export no_proxy="localhost,,,,kubernetes.docker.internal"; export NO_PROXY=$no_proxy; export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy https_proxy=$http_proxy HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy NO_PROXY=$no_proxy; echo "HTTP Proxy on"; env | grep --color=auto -i proxy}noproxy (){ unset http_proxy https_proxy HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY no_proxy NO_PROXY FTP_PROXY ftp_proxy ALL_PROXY all_proxy; env | grep --color=auto -i proxy; echo -e "Proxy environment variable removed."} 每次启动的时候都加载这两个函数就可以了。 no need to set proxy in git config, a proxy() and a noproxy() function in your bash_rc or bash_profile would be easier if you’re a developer in china. most cli(eg. git,curl,wget,go,brew …) respects http_proxy, https_proxy, HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY.